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Beginners Weightlifting 4-week course
A personal experience in a small group setting
Course details
Sign up to our 'Beginners Weightlifting' course today and learn to lift under the watchful eye of a British Weight Lifting certified coach.
We'll start right at the beginning and take you through the foundations of Olympic Weightlifting, step by step. A small group setting of just 6 people will ensure that you have a personalised experience and receive immediate feedback while you're guided through our progressive beginner's training programme.
Sessions are held every Wednesday evening 18.30-19.30, Saturday 12.00-13.00 and by the end of your time with us, you'll have learnt the fundamentals of the snatch and clean & jerk, leaving you fully equipped to take your next steps.
What's included
8 x 1hr training sessions
A progressive beginner's training programme
Expert coaching from a fully qualified British Weight Lifting coach
£85* per person
How we teach
With over 10 years experience in coaching beginners, we are expertly placed to guide you through the first steps in your Olympic Weightlifting journey. Our coaching style means that you’ll receive real-time feedback from the coach on duty, allowing you to adapt quickly and make the most out of your training sessions. We understand that every body is different, and we’re on the ball. Where appropriate, you’ll also receive individual exercise selections, drills or sometimes even a bit of homework to ensure you’re always learning and progressing. There will be opportunities to load weight, but the primary focus will be on safe technique and learning the various positions required to make a successful lift.
Who is it suitable for
Complete beginners who are brand new to the sport
Anyone with 0-2 years experience in a CrossFit or similar environment and would like to improve their weightlifting skills